This artwork basically evolved.  I didn’t plan anything in particular.  Just finishing a modern portrait of my two daughters I had no idea what I wanted to get into next so I just rolled with whatever came out. 

Not that this is a good thing.  To be honest I usually plan everything upfront and the evolving bit happens half way through.  Not knowing if it was going to be female or male, I just carried on.  

Using a Pastelmat board, I started using a very soft dark blue pastel, which I hated when half way through.  Wiping this off with a rag and leaving a residue I started playing with browns, mustard, black, leaving the blue in places.   Liking the effect this gave I just rolled with it.  Putting in the mustard lines as a division to start with.  Male or Female?  It could be either.  Doesn’t really matter.  It’s not meant to mean anything in particular as art means something different to everyone.

I see it as someone looking out to find their own image somewhere out there, but still a little afraid of doing so.

What do you see?